Laying Chickens are the Best Pets
I love having chickens as pets. They aren’t snuggly, but they definitely have personalities!! And since I’m not a breed snob, I have many ladies of different beautiful attributes. Which also means I have eggs of many colors!!
Eggs of Many Colors
Aren't they so pretty?? When I was dreaming of having a farm, my requirement was pretty chicken eggs. Don't get me wrong, they all taste the same. But there's something about having an Easter Egg hunt every day, and looking at these beautiful chicken eggs in the skelter, that makes me smile!
I initially bought 3 Olive Eggers (one rooster) and 2 Easter Eggers, and then more beautiful birds were gifted to my daughters by my sister-in-law’s mom.
I love stepping outside the door onto the steps or the patio and hearing clucks and crows. And going out and throwing feed around their pen and watching them run and hunt and peck. They are so easy to take care of, just a feed and water and a place to roost, and they give us all the entertainment and fresh eggs we need.
I’m sure we will add some here and there… I love those pictures you see on Pinterest, with the entire rainbow of egg colors. A girl can dream!!
We are blessed to get to find these sweet eggs every single day. I can't ask for more from my goofy little birds!