Kitchen Door Transom Windows

One of the first things that caught my eye when I walked into Rock Haven were the transom windows. I LOVE transom windows.

When I was young, a good friend of mine had an older house with transom windows and I always loved staying with her and her family in their home. And I love the amount of light they help bring into rooms.

RHF Transoms

If you’ve been around for long, you know that our original home was built in 1890 with a huge addition done in the 1980s. Specifically in the kitchen, two of the doorways lead to the old part of the house and two lead to the new. Two had beautiful wood trimmed transoms and two had wallpapered transitions.

In the process of removing wallpaper in the kitchen, it spread… like a disease, I guess?? It spread into both the breakfast nook and the hallway. I couldn’t resist removing the wallpaper in those rooms when there were lulls in the kitchen activity.

Both of the wallpapered doorways are very deep, 2 to 3 feet due to their walls being originally exterior walls. And as I removed the wallpaper, I discovered that the walls beneath were very soft. It showed every elbow bang and scraper nick. I knew there was no way I could just paint these walls and have them look nice for long.

Tying it in with Faux Transoms/ Doorways

We found an amazing contractor who was willing to take on the task of making the two doorways look like they were original to the house. He gave us a very fair quote and he set out to make it work.

Holy cow! He really knocked it out of the park. It’s really one of those kind of frustrating projects, you know? We recognize that it's amazing and he did a wonderful job. But it’s so good, no one notices!!


Our Bedroom, Phase 1


Sneak Peak: The Beginnings of a Built-In Basement Wine Rack